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The open book at open homes: Meet Daniel Fisher

If you were to time-travel back 20 years to meet a young Daniel Fisher, you’d find him in class on the edge of his seat – anxiously awaiting the lunchtime bell so he could get to socialising. Looking at him today, it appears that the more things change, the more they stay the same. We sat down with the Daniel of today to find out if that sentiment continued to ring true throughout his life – and career – ever since.


Love all: Daniel’s social upbringing

The friends Daniel made when he was 7 years old are the same friends he has today – thanks to the revolving door of loved ones in his childhood home.

‘Everyone always hung out at our place,’ Daniel remembers. ‘We had a tennis court in the backyard, so every week, my friends would come over to play tennis, cricket, football. You name it, we played it!

‘And I’m very grateful for that because otherwise, I wouldn’t have any friends,’ he jokes.

But in saying that, Daniel also considers himself lucky enough to call his family his friends.

‘My sister is three years younger than me, and we’re polar opposites,’ Daniel says with a laugh. ‘But I love her.

‘I’m also close with my parents,’ he continues. ‘My dad’s incredibly hard-working, and my mum’s the most generous person I know.

‘They raised me with the mantra that if you do the right thing, the right thing will be done to you.  And I still live by this today.’



The days of the old schoolyard: Building friendships and education

At school, all Daniel wanted to do was make friends – even in class.

‘Admittedly, in class, I just wanted to chat!’ Daniel laughs.

Most classes, that is.

‘I’ve always had a very keen interest in sport and business management,’ he shares. ‘So during those classes, I was always sitting in the front row, completely locked in.’

Daniel’s passion for business concepts and the thrill of sports captured his attention like nothing else. So, whatever energy he wasn’t putting into socialising, he channelled into mastering the material from those two classes.

This brought a different side of Daniel to light – one driven by genuine interest and ambition.



Hole-in-one: From putting to property

After completing high school, Daniel studied commerce at university while also teaching PE at Mount Scopus. But he couldn’t quite shake the real estate itch.

‘I’d been to a few inspections with my parents, and I remember thinking, I could do this!

But the deal was sealed when Daniel’s parents gave him a push.

‘Growing up in the environment I did – school, friends and family-wise – I felt the pressure to be successful academically,’ he shares. ‘But thankfully, my parents knew that wasn’t me. And considering my social skills, they felt I could be a great real estate agent.’

Four weeks later, Daniel met Gary. At a Mount Scopus Golf Day.

‘I told the guys playing in my group that I was interested in real estate. They just pointed at the man on the green and said, “Have you met Gary?”’ Daniel remembers with a grin.

‘The rest is history.’



Nightclub networking: Daniel’s unique edge

You may be wondering, with such a clear social skillset, did Daniel always place real estate at the top of his dream career list?

The answer is yes… kind of.

‘I’d started DJ’ing when I was young,’ he reveals. ‘Eventually, I had the opportunity to work in some of Melbourne’s biggest nightclubs.’

The nightclub scene was Daniel’s training ground. A high-energy environment that required him to be social, approachable and quick on his feet. Sound familiar?

‘I always felt like working in nightclubs was very similar to open for inspections,’ he continues. ‘It’s all about creating the right vibe and making people feel welcome. Both worlds revolve around connection and presentation – two things I’m passionate about.’

So it’s no wonder he ended up with a foot in both worlds! By the time Daniel hit his 30s, though, he felt it was time to wave the DJ booth goodbye.

‘I’ll always remember that time fondly, but I’m glad to have put my full focus into real estate when I did.’


Following the leader: Daniel’s positive influences

Daniel would be the first to admit what a positive influence his family has been for him. But during some of life’s more challenging moments, his work family stepped up, too.

‘I’ve been lucky enough to have many mentors guide me and keep me on the right path,’ Daniel shares. ‘Jeremy Rosens, for example, is like a big brother to me.’

Workwise, Daniel credits much of his success to his early mentors: Nikki Janover, Darren Krongold and Sally Zelman. Not to mention our company’s ‘father figures’, Gary Peer and Phillip Kingston.

‘They took me from a cheeky boy to a mature leader,’ Daniel says. ‘They always look out for me, check in on me and go above and beyond for my family. I truly have so much to thank them for.’

In fact, it was partially due to their influence – seeing them strike the perfect balance between family and work – that Daniel felt ready when he met his amazing wife, Zoe.

‘Meeting her has definitely made me a better man,’ Daniel smiles. ‘My life is very different having her in it, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.’



Howdy, Partner: Life at Gary Peer today

Today, Daniel is a Gary Peer Partner and Team Leader. And he’s loving every second of it.

‘Being on the leadership team has always been something I strived for,’ he begins. ‘It’s so rewarding to help your team members reach their potential – and often exceed it.’

But that’s not to say Daniel’s not on the tools.

‘I still love the adrenaline of a deal,’ he admits. ‘And I feel it every day when my past clients call just to tell me what a difference I’ve made to their lives.’

Outside of work, Daniel always finds time to rest and recharge – in his not-exactly-restful way.

‘The gym has become my safe haven,’ he shares. ‘I like to go five times a week, either alone or with friends. So, when I’m not selling properties, that’s where you’ll find me!

‘Or, admittedly, I may be out shopping,’ the self-proclaimed Ralph Lauren addict confesses.



Next up: Daniel’s plans for the future

If it’s the near future we’re talking about, Daniel plans to spend his September at the MCG watching his beloved Blues lift the AFL Premiership Cup.

After that, the world’s his oyster.

‘In life and in work, I’ve never felt as good as I do now. So I just want to keep on that trajectory!’ Daniel says.

‘I’ll keep working hard during the week for my team and clients – after my morning walk and coffee with Zoe, of course. Just as importantly, I’ll keep doing what makes me happy in my personal time.

‘Friday night family dinners. Heading to the gym with my mates. Cooking a barbecue for my loved ones. A life where I can do all those things sounds pretty great to me,’ Daniel says with a smile.

So, is it safe to say that the kid champing at the bit for his next chat is still in there?

‘Oh, he never left!’



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