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No, your smartphone’s camera won’t cut it: Why you need a professional real estate photographer

We all know the importance of a great first impression. Whether it’s a first date, a job interview or showing off your home. So, what’s one of the secrets to making a stellar first impression with your property? Professional, high-quality photography, of course. While selling or leasing can come with unforeseen costs, investing in a specialist real estate photographer is essential. Read on to find out why professional photography is a non-negotiable – and how cutting corners could cost you a lot more in the long run.


Putting your property in the best possible light

Nowadays, everyone with a smartphone fancies themselves a photographer.

Whether you’re relying on your own skills – or those of a friend or family member who may call themselves a hobbyist photographer – a professional real estate photographer will always take better photos. We know. The truth hurts.

Thanks to their trained, expert eye, professionals know exactly how to draw attention to your home’s best features – while minimising the less desirable ones. And they know what features buyers and tenants will be drawn to. Think spacious rooms, unique architecture and design or natural light streaming through a window.

They also understand the angles and composition required to create striking visuals. And they have the equipment – like specialised lenses and editing software – to create the WOW factor your property deserves.

Put simply, if you want your property to look its best when it matters most, leave it to the experts.


Holding your own on the online stage

Active buyers and renters scour the internet for listings every day. Sifting through plenty of properties in the process.

What are they looking for specifically? Imagery that pops out at them and seems to be screaming, ‘This is the place for you!’

There’s no doubt about it: Appealing, well-lit images will translate to more clicks, more enquiries, and ultimately, more foot traffic through your home.

And of course, the more foot traffic you have, the greater the competition – and the better the price you’ll get.

It really is that simple.



Reeling in passive buyers  

Did you know that vendors can end up selling their homes to people who were not actively ’looking’?

How does that happen, you ask? Because chances are, these ‘passive buyers’ were unexpectedly captivated by beautiful imagery – perhaps on billboards, in a magazine or newspaper or on social media – while going about their lives.

So don’t underestimate the power of striking photography in attracting more competition to your home.  

While your house won’t be sold on photos alone, high-quality imagery will help you reach (and impress) more people.


Conveying credibility and building trust

If you take our advice and use a professional photographer to sell or lease your home, you’ll also improve your image (pun intended).

Your decision to invest in quality imagery portrays a certain level of care, attention to detail and professionalism. It suggests to a buyer or tenant that you value quality and are committed to putting your best foot forward.

Furthermore, professional photos create a sense of trust and credibility that implies you – the seller or rental provider – are legitimate.

Overall, it will lead audiences to perceive your home (and you) more positively.



Saving you precious time

Let’s not mince words – selling or leasing your house can be a stressful and time-consuming experience. But the more you ask for help, the easier the process will be.

Photographers ease stress levels by taking on the responsibility of capturing your home in its best light. It means you can rest easy knowing there’s one less thing you have to take care of.

Trust us, you’ll be thankful you made this decision. Especially when you’re already in the middle of clearing out your home, negotiating offers or handling legal documents.

A streamlined approach to your photography with a professional who knows what they’re doing makes the entire process more efficient – and less overwhelming.


A final word

We understand that selling or leasing your home often comes with upfront costs that you weren’t expecting. You may wonder if it’s all really worth it.

But if you think a DIY approach to your photos will ‘save money’, think again. Because in our experience, this will end up costing you a lot more in the long run.

Leaving it to the experts to market your home will give you the best chance of success.

Professional photography directly results in a more appealing listing. Greater (and fiercer) competition. And the best possible price.



Are you ready to begin your selling or leasing journey? Learn more about our selling process or request a rental appraisal today.