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Learning by living: Meet Aviv Samuel

What were Aviv Samuel’s favourite subjects at school, you ask? Well, if he had it his way, they would have included travel, weekend markets and family time. Because for Aviv, the most important life lessons came from beyond the classroom. We caught up with him to learn how his unique experiences shaped his path to real estate success – and what he’s learned along the way.


The family business: Planting the sales seed

When we caught up with Aviv’s brother, Carnegie Director Leor Samuel, we heard all about their father’s work at the Caribbean Gardens Markets and their trips abroad to source stock.

But we didn’t hear about what happened behind the scenes, when Aviv’s entire family would share a meal at his grandparents’ house and discuss the art of the deal – as well as the love of family.

‘My father and his brothers were all salesmen who were wholesaling on the road during the week – and working at the markets over the weekend,’ Aviv shares. ‘And every week, the entire family would get together at my grandparents' house to relax and share stories.’

Travel experiences. Sales tips. Family values. Aviv and his family would sit and discuss each topic at length, learning from one another and building their skills (and relationships) in the process.

‘If it weren’t for my family, I wouldn’t know half the things I know now about different cultures, languages and people,’ says Aviv. ‘My grandparents set up this supportive foundation where we were all welcome at any time – with ample opportunities to come together and share experiences and ideas.’

Aviv thrived off this energy and always wanted to be included in the conversations. Even if it was just to listen and absorb what was being said.

‘It’s the kind of stuff you could never learn from a textbook.’



Strength in discipline: Shotput-ing for the stars

Aviv’s professionalism and dedication are undeniable. But where did he pick up those values? The answer is… unexpected.

‘As a kid, I was always passionate about sport,’ Aviv shares. ‘Especially when it came to track and field – specifically shotput.’

Representing his schools from a young age, Aviv quickly made a name for himself around the area.

‘Around Year 9, a gentleman involved in Little Athletics at Duncan McKinnon took me under his wing and introduced me to a training program to improve my fitness. It helped me grow from strength to strength.’

The strength in question? Winning gold for Australia at competitions in America and Canada.

‘I’m obviously proud of those achievements,’ Aviv remembers. ‘But when I look back now, I’m most proud of my discipline and self-belief.’

Through shotput, he learned he could do anything he set his mind to. And he never forgot that lesson.



Filling the gap (year): Aviv’s adventures abroad

Aviv graduated from high school in 2003. Then, like many of us, he set off abroad for a gap year. Only Aviv’s gap year may have included just a few more activities than most.

‘I prepared food for homeless people. I worked on a farm. I taught English to local schoolkids. And then later, I completed a course to become a paramedic,’ he shares.

Is that all, Aviv?

‘Actually, I also worked on an ambulance for 3 months as an assistant.’

Through these experiences, Aviv’s perspective on life changed.

‘My life became like a heartbeat. Up, down, up, down,’ he remembers. ‘I was dealing with all kinds of scenarios, good and bad. It opened my eyes to the real world.’

When Aviv returned to Australia, he brought his love for travel and new experiences with him. That’s when he got a gig at Flight Centre.



A new career takes off: From travel to real estate

Jumping straight into the deep end, Aviv began his career at Flight Centre at a store in Oakleigh. Their goal was simple: connect with the community.

And there was only one man for the job.

‘I’ve always prided myself on my warm personality and ability to build rapport with people, no matter what,’ Aviv says.

So it’s no wonder that after 3 years, Aviv was promoted to Flight Centre’s corporate sector. But, by then, a different career was calling him.

‘I’ve always known real estate was in my blood,’ he says with a smile. ‘But it wasn’t until I bought my first home that I really wanted to give it a go.’

So in 2011, after some encouragement from his brother, Leor, Aviv took the plunge.

‘That’s when I got a call from Gary,’ he recalls. ‘We met up at a café in Balaclava and really got along. So, I came on board!’

But he came in green. So Aviv got to work: studying for his full agent’s licence, working as a buyer's agent, putting in the long hours. And slowly began to climb up the ladder.



Behind every sale: Aviv’s support network

As we already know, Aviv credits his success to his (many) loved ones. But none are more important than those at home.

‘I’d been working in real estate for a number of years when I met a girl,’ Aviv reveals. ‘We instantly hit it off – and still do to this day!’

That girl is Aviv’s wife, Dora. And together, they share 3 beautiful children: Sophie, Mika and Adele. Even though they all lead their own, busy lives, family time is still paramount in the Samuel household.

‘For us, Friday nights are non-negotiable. It’s one night of the week when we can all sit down around the table with a nice meal and discuss what’s going on in each other’s lives,’ Aviv shares.

‘I learned the power of family from a young age, so it will always be one of my core values.’



Private jets and partnership: Working at Gary Peer

Today, Aviv couldn’t be prouder of his position as a Licensed Estate Agent and Partner in the Gary Peer Carnegie office with his brother, leading a team of up-and-comers.

‘Our organisation is always expanding and evolving,’ he praises. ‘We move with the times, recruit amazing talent and shoot for the stars – always.’

But, in true Aviv style, he never forgets where we come from.

‘One of the things that sets Gary Peer apart is how community-focused we are,’ Aviv continues. ‘We take part in all kinds of events for all kinds of causes: school fundraising events, local charities, corporate networking events and so on. It’s my favourite part of the job.’

Even more so than all the incredible recognition he’s received for his work – including becoming a Partner in 2023.

‘It started with Phillip and Gary flying us out to Sydney in a private jet to celebrate our hard work and network with others in the field,’ Aviv recalls. ‘Then, a few months later, we officially got the new titles.’

But it hasn’t changed anything for Aviv. His focus has remained steadfast – growing the business and developing his team.



Hammer down: Aviv’s plans for the future

So, what might be next for someone like Aviv – a talented estate agent, a compelling conversationalist and a natural leader?

If you asked him, there’s one clear answer.

‘I’d love to be an auctioneer one day,’ he shares. ‘I love the buzz around auction days – the bidding, the ‘carnival’ atmosphere, the happiness a great result brings to vendors and buyers. Ultimately, it’s always about more than the sale. It’s about bringing the community together.’

But if Aviv can achieve his main goal, he’ll consider his career a job well done.

‘For me, it’s always been about people, so I really just want to keep building my team, mentoring the younger generation and supporting their growth,’ he continues.

‘My favourite saying is: Plant the seed today and enjoy the fruits tomorrow. And that’s exactly what I intend to do, so that one day, I might get tapped on the shoulder by someone telling me I made an impact on their life.

‘That’s really why I do what I do.’



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